
Mathematics Leadership by Design

Mathematics Learning by Design (MLD) is a systems approach to teaching & learning that is comprised of five teacher moves. Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static 'snapshots.’ Systems thinking is a sensibility - for the subtle interconnectedness that gives living systems their unique character (Senge, 2006).Math Learning by Design (MLD) Instructional Moves create a culture in which students engage in communicating their mathematical thinking and problem solving through rigorous mathematics to become self-regulated learners.

Experiential Learning Model (PDF)

During Move 1: ASK/Hook, students interpret, problem pose, and communicate about a culturally relevant prompt. In Move 2: IMAGINE/Investigation before Explanation (IBE), students engage in the problem solving framework to interpret, communicate, formulate a plan and self-monitor their progress. In Move 3: PLAN/Notes, students interpret multiple representations, personalize their notes to adjust their structure of knowledge and deepen their reasoning for problem solving. During Move 4: CREATE/Active Practice, students compare and analyze their structure of knowledge, communicate, and make choices in challenge levels to move their learning. They also clear up misconceptions and/or extend their reasoning to adjust the way they structure their knowledge before they reflect on effective strategies and effectively setting and adjusting goals. Throughout Moves 1-4, students engage in Move 5: IMPROVE. Students set mathematical goals, compare their work to success criteria, reflect on effective strategies and personal actions to learn how to monitor their progress in attaining their goals. This helps them create an action plan by effectively self-evaluating the methods selected, and adapting future methods based on what was learned.

MLD Coaching Checklist (PDF)

© Math Leadership Corps